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Federacion Progresista - SPAIN

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Federacion Progresista - SPAIN Empty Federacion Progresista - SPAIN

Post  Admin Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:49 pm

Fepamac Guadalajara is a provincially based non governmental organization which is part of a wider nationally based institution. It´s full name is Progressive Federation of Women´s and Consumer Associations of Guadalajara. It was founded in response to a need to work for women`s rights and since its creation this has been and still is the basis of all its activity. Our objective is the education of women with an aim to their full integration into the world of work, society and culture. Our projects are designed to remove any barriers that get in the way of this education: Baby and child sitting programs, course timetables which are compatible with family and work duties, gratuity of courses, course levels adapted to attendants needs and abilities, etc. We focus on non-formal education and promote the idea of lifelong learning , mainly through our Adult Learners` week (ALW).

Our philosophy consists in working to eliminate discrimination based on gender difference and our main aim is to fight against discrimination based on religion, sex and ethnic origin, both in the public and private domain.

Our target group is made up of women with special educational and labour integration difficulties. The characteristics of our world at the moment , with its constantly moving population, mean that communities of citizens other cultures and ethnic backgrounds continuously arise in our countries. Their adaptation comes up against difficulties related to language, customs, religion and general cultural differences in particular with regard to gender difference. It is this group, which is growing in number daily, that demands our help most.

Due to the socioeconomic and geographical characteristics of our group of action, women in rural circumstances deserve special attention. Their isolation, due to lack of facilities, absence of modern communications technology ( internet connection, etc.) lack of job opportunities, cultural and religious idiosyncrasies and a notable patriarchal tradition, make them particularly vulnerable and prevent them developing adequately in a social and personal way.

Students` Ativities

-New technologies and internet connection courses

-Courses in Spanish language for foreign students

-English language courses for teachers and pupils of European programs.

-Meetings in small villages of our province women (and men) can exchange ideas on learning needs and proposals.

-Courses on personal development, health promotion and sports activities, aimed at improving the general quality of life.

Our main objective is to increase our target population to an ever larger number through the collaboration and involvement with other associations and institutions. We hope to awaken our own students´ enthusiasm so that they can be the ones who design the sort of educational formation they wish to receive. They will be helped in this by our teachers, but the students` opinions will always be taken into account in this process. Our idea is to promote the participation and active involvement of our students.


Posts : 10
Join date : 2008-04-25

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